Since my childhood, writing has been my obsession.  Publication of my work was never a consideration, I simply loved (and needed) to write, especially poetry.

When I began to have an urge to write a book for middle-grade children, my favorite literary genre, the dream of publication reared its ugly head. That was also when I decided to begin this blog. It has been a wonderful adventure!

I feel as though I have been doing this for years, not the actual few months since the blog’s launch. I have met many new friends and discovered beautiful talent in my time here. It has been an invaluable experience.

My writing is inspired, in large part, by my faith in Christ. My family and life on a Kansas farm are springboards for me as well. The fact that I am a fan of children – all shapes, sizes and quirks, adds flavor to the mix. Children who have learning disabilities have been my heart’s work for more than twenty years. My poem “Questions for a Flower” is actually about children who are determined to bloom in spite of adversity and often without any encouragement in their homelife. They inspire me daily!

Now that you’ve been introduced to my sources of inspiration and obsession desire to write, welcome to flutterings. Most of my posts here are poetry, which is my first love in the field of writing.

“Lovisms” (memes that express my view of true love) are an extension of my poetry category.

“Crush on Words” was born from my passion for words and meanings. I’ve chosen to post words I find interesting, beautiful, unusual, or simply hilarious, along with their definitions.

I have also posted a few inspirational quotes and my short articles – insight into what makes me tick.

Working with backgrounds and photos for my posts is an enjoyable and relaxing pastime for me.  My own photos are not fantastic, but my daughter, who is a professional photographer (Moments Captured by Emily), graciously provides her fantastic photos for my occasional use.

I have become a Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, Picmonkey, Canva, etc. junkie.  I can spend hours working on backgrounds for staging poetry and definitions. I hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I enjoy creating them.

Thank you for visiting! I try to post often, so please come again and let me know what you think of the site by leaving a comment! God Bless!

9 thoughts on “About

  1. Toni, I love your writing style, hands down. You have such a simple but elegant way of expressing your words, especially with your poetry, and that’s what captivated me in the first place. Oh, and don’t worry about your blog, it’s AMAZING so far! I too am a blogging amateur and have so much more to improve on, so you are not the only one.
    And thank you SO MUCH for following my blog! I really appreciate your interest in my writing, though I don’t think I’ll ever get to your level 🙂
    Well, I look forward to hearing more from you! I’m going to be coming back frequently because the poetry here is marvelous.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You have made my day! I have at times thought my poetry might be a little too simple, but it is from my heart. I am very conscientious about what I “like” when I read a blog. Yours is very good! You have also done a great job with the design. Thanks again for the encouragement!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. heyy..I am so excited about reading through your work and getting to know about your life. Thank you for the follow and your kind words on my blog. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I loved reading your book today! I started it during a slow spell at work and couldn’t wait to get home to finish it! The book reminds me of Kate DiCamillo’s writing. I think you may be headed for a Newberry Award one day!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Toni,
    Thanks so much for following my blog. It means so much because I’m brand new to this, so its lovely to find a friendly face!
    Your blog is brilliant, and your writing beautiful. I find your poetry very accessible and easy to get lost in, which is a first for me as I thought poetry was perhaps not for commoners like me!
    Thanks again,
    (The Puppet Show blog)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are so welcome! Thank you for the kind words. I am fairly new to this as well. Writing is something I’ve done for many years, but sharing it is something I’ve only just begun within the last few years. I strongly believe that poetry is for everyone. I hope you continue to develop an interest. Good luck with your blog and God bless!

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