
The Creative Blogger Award

Creative Blogger Award | Toni Umbarger

Believe it or not, I have been nominated for the Creative Blogger Award! Woohoo!! (Envision me jumping for joy.) I most humbly thank the talented and beautifully ethereal Maira for this nomination. She is quite a creative blogger herself. See her talent for yourself at mairacharmed. I am grateful to you, Maira!

Here are the five random facts about me:

  1. I am married to a farmer. My only personal claim to farming is that I can look out my window and see the cows in the pasture. In other words, my husband does all the farming.
  2. I am a fan of children—all shapes, sizes and quirks. (I even like the obnoxious ones.)
  3. Children’s literature is my favorite! Beverly Cleary, L. Frank Baum, Roald Dahl, E. B. White, C. S. Lewis, Mary Norton, E. Nesbit, and Beatrix Potter, to name a few. I tend to gravitate toward classic English literature ( think Dickens, Austen, Shakespeare) when I actually read grown up works. When I’m feeling especially intelligent, I might read some Dostoyevsky.
  4. Cooking, especially baking, is almost as beneficial a therapy for me as writing, neither of which is helping me lose weight.
  5. I have fourteen grandchildren. Yes, Christmases are expensive.

Check out my nominees for The Creative Blogger Award:

Elan Mudrow (artistically done)

Midimike (currently using his blog and his music to help a friend recover from a house fire)

L M Nelson (writer writing about writing, and if you like romance, she has a book for sale)

Maria Johnson (also has a book for sale, but it doesn’t look like romance)

Elizabeth Ann Johnson-Murphree (writing is beautiful and artwork is amazing )

Jesse  (young, energetic and cute)

These are your rules:
1.Share five random facts about yourself.
2.Nominate some blogs and notify the nominees.
3.Post the link of the blog that nominated you.

Thanks, everyone!

5 thoughts on “The Creative Blogger Award

    1. Absolutely! And every one of them perfect! One is adopted and two more are in the process of being adopted. My daughter and her husband have had the two in foster care for the past two years. Love them all, but it is nice to enjoy the peace and quiet after they have been here. 🙂

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  1. I wanted to let you know that I love your poetry. I also write poetry, but focus more on my novels and my job (which takes up a HUGE chunk of my time during the school year). Truly inspired by your writing.

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    1. Thank you! I take spurts in both directions. I’ll write poetry for a while, then switch to the books I’m writing for middle grade kids. Helps me avoid burnout. I’m trying to get as much done as I can during the summer. I work as a para in special education, so time is limited when school starts. I considered a teaching degree, but decided I liked the freedom of working as a para. I’m hoping to publish a book of poetry in the future. I’d like to read some of your poetry some time, if you don’t mind. You should post some on your blog.

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